
Hello to all that may come here. Feel free to follow me, say things or do as you would usually. My blog is just basically about my life and/or to help others with their lives. Welcome and enjoy.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

It's been awhile

So I have started college, finally and have gotten through many months that caused fun and not-so-big things happen. The biggest thing that happened would be that I have changed, only a little. But I've become more mature! Yes, me, more mature! Can you believe it? It's a little scary for the people who know me, but meh I'm still myself. I feel like maybe I should write more things on here. It's abandoned.. Oh well I need more interesting stuff to hear about, you don't want to hear about me. I think for my next one I need to research something and write about it. You guys have any ideas? Anyway. I'm out for now. Check out my new youtube vids! I've started a vlog!

1 comment:

  1. You could talk about... anything and everything! blogging is fun and lets you tell others whats on your mind.
